Updating to 0.9

In the following, instructions are provided for porting your code from rand 0.8 and rand_distr 0.4 to rand 0.9 and rand_distr 0.5.

The following is a migration guide focussing on potentially-breaking changes. For a full list of changes, see the relevant changelogs:

Renamed functions and methods

In the 2024 edition, gen is a reserved keyword. The raw syntax r#gen() is awkward, so some methods in rand::Rng have been renamed:

  • gen -> random
  • gen_range -> random_range
  • gen_bool -> random_bool
  • gen_ratio -> random_ratio

Additionally, rand::thread_rng() has been renamed to the simpler rng().

The previous names still exist but are deprecated.


It was determined in #1514 that "rand is not a crypto library". This change clarifies that:

  1. The rand library is a community project without any legally-binding guarantees
  2. The rand library provides functionality for generating unpredictable random numbers but does not provide any high-level cryptographic functionality
  3. rand::rngs::OsRng is a stateless generator, thus has no state to leak or need for (re)seeding
  4. rand::rngs::ThreadRng is an automatically seeded generator with periodic reseeding using a cryptographically-strong pseudo-random algorithm, but which does not have protection of its in-memory state, in particular it does not automatically zero its memory when destructed. Further, its design is a compromise: it is designed to be a “fast, reasonably secure generator”.

Further, the former very limited fork-protection for ReseedingRng and ThreadRng were removed in #1379. It is recommended instead that reseeding be the responsibility of the code causing the fork (see ThreadRng docs for more details):

fn do_fork() {
    let pid = unsafe { libc::fork() };
    if pid == 0 {
        // Reseed ThreadRng in child processes:


Rand crates now require rustc version 1.63.0 or later.

The dependency on getrandom was bumped to version 0.3. This release includes breaking changes for some platforms (WASM is particularly affected).


Feature flags:

  • serde1 was renamed to serde
  • getrandom was renamed to os_rng
  • thread_rng is a new feature (enabled by default), required by rng() (ThreadRng)
  • small_rng is now enabled by default
  • rand_chacha is no longer an (implicit) feature; use std_rng instead

Core traits

In #1424, a new trait, TryRngCore, was added to rand_core:

pub trait TryRngCore {
    /// The type returned in the event of a RNG error.
    type Error: fmt::Debug + fmt::Display;

    /// Return the next random `u32`.
    fn try_next_u32(&mut self) -> Result<u32, Self::Error>;
    /// Return the next random `u64`.
    fn try_next_u64(&mut self) -> Result<u64, Self::Error>;
    /// Fill `dest` entirely with random data.
    fn try_fill_bytes(&mut self, dst: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;

    // [Provided methods hidden]

This trait is generic over both fallible and infallible RNGs (the latter use Error type Infallible), while RngCore now only represents infallible RNGs.

The trait CryptoRng is now a sub-trait of RngCore. A matching trait, TryCryptoRng, is available to mark implementors of TryRngCore which are cryptographically strong.

Seeding RNGs

The trait SeedableRng had a few changes:

  • type Seed now has additional bounds: Clone and AsRef<[u8]>
  • fn from_rng was renamed to try_from_rng while an infallible variant was added as the new from_rng
  • fn from_entropy was renamed to from_os_rng along with a new fallible variant, fn try_from_os_rng


ThreadRng is now accessed via rng() (previously thread_rng()).


The old trait SliceRandom has been split into three traits: IndexedRandom, IndexedMutRandom and SliceRandom. This allows choose functionality to be made available to Vec-like containers with non-contiguous storage, though shuffle functionality remains limited to slices.


The module rand::distributions was renamed to rand::distr for brevity and to match rand_distr.

Several items in distr were also renamed or moved:

  • Struct Standard -> StandardUniform
  • Struct Sliceslice::Choose
  • Struct EmptySliceslice::Empty
  • Trait DistStringSampleString
  • Struct DistIterIter
  • Struct DistMapMap
  • Struct WeightedIndexweighted::WeightedIndex
  • Enum WeightedErrorweighted::Error

Some additional items were renamed in rand_distr:

  • Struct weighted_alias::WeightedAliasIndexweighted::WeightedAliasIndex
  • Trait weighted_alias::AliasableWeightweighted::AliasableWeight

The StandardUniform distribution no longer supports sampling Option<T> types (for any T).

isize and usize types are no longer supported by Fill, WeightedAliasIndex or StandardUniform. isize is also no longer supported by Uniform. usize remains supported by Uniform through UniformUsize and now has portable results across 32- and 64-bit platforms.

The constructors fn new, fn new_inclusive for Uniform and UniformSampler now return a Result instead of panicking on invalid inputs. Additionally, Uniform now supports TryFrom (instead of From) for range types.

Nightly features


SIMD support now targets std::simd.


See the CHANGELOG.md files for details of reproducibility-breaking changes affecting rand and rand_distr.