Random values

Now that we have a way of producing random data, how can we convert it to the type of value we want?

This is a trick question: we need to know both the range we want and the type of distribution of this value (which is what the next section is all about).

The Rng trait

For convenience, all generators automatically implement the Rng trait, which provides short-cuts to a few ways of generating values. This has several convenience functions for producing uniformly distributed values:

  • Rng::random generates an unbiased (uniform) random value from a range appropriate for the type. For integers this is normally the full representable range (e.g. from 0u32 to std::u32::MAX), for floats this is between 0 and 1, and some other types are supported, including arrays and tuples.

    This method is a convenience wrapper around the StandardUniform distribution, as documented in the next section.

  • Rng::random_range generates an unbiased random value in the given range

  • Rng::fill and Rng::try_fill are optimised functions for filling any byte or integer slice with random values

It also has convenience functions for producing non-uniform boolean values:

Finally, it has a function to sample from arbitrary distributions:


extern crate rand;
use rand::Rng;
fn main() {
let mut rng = rand::rng();

// an unbiased integer over the entire range:
let i: i32 = rng.random();
println!("i = {i}");

// a uniformly distributed value between 0 and 1:
let x: f64 = rng.random();
println!("x = {x}");

// simulate rolling a die:
println!("roll = {}", rng.random_range(1..=6));

Additionally, the random function is a short-cut to Rng::random on the rng():

extern crate rand;
use rand::Rng;
fn main() {
println!("Tossing a coin...");
if rand::random() {
    println!("We got lucky!");

Custom random types

Notice from the above that rng.random() yields a different distribution of values depending on the type:

  • i32 values are sampled from i32::MIN ..= i32::MAX uniformly
  • f32 values are sampled from 0.0 .. 1.0 uniformly

This is the StandardUniform distribution. [Distribution]s are the topic of the next chapter, but given the importance of the StandardUniform distribution we introduce it here. As usual, standards are somewhat arbitrary, but chosen according to reasonable logic:

  • Values are sampled uniformly: given any two sub-ranges of equal size, each has an equal chance of containing the next sampled value
  • Usually, the whole range of the target type is used
  • For f32 and f64 the range 0.0 .. 1.0 is used (exclusive of 1.0), for two reasons: (a) this is common practice for random-number generators and (b) because for many purposes having a uniform distribution of samples (along the Real number line) is important, and this is only possible for floating-point representations by restricting the range.

Given that, we can implement the StandardUniform distribution for our own types:

extern crate rand;
use rand::Rng;
use rand::distr::{Distribution, StandardUniform, Uniform};
use std::f64::consts::TAU; // = 2π

/// Represents an angle, in radians
pub struct Angle(f64);
impl Angle {
    pub fn from_degrees(degrees: f64) -> Self {
        Angle(degrees * (std::f64::consts::TAU / 360.0))

impl Distribution<Angle> for StandardUniform {
    fn sample<R: Rng + ?Sized>(&self, rng: &mut R) -> Angle {
        // It would be correct to write:
        // Angle(rng.random::<f64>() * TAU)

        // However, the following is preferred:
        Angle(Uniform::new(0.0, TAU).unwrap().sample(rng))

fn main() {
    let angle: Angle = rand::rng().random();
    println!("Random angle: {angle:?}");